St. John Paul the Great Vocations Society of St.John Neumann Church seeks (1) to encourage and support those discerning, preparing for, or living out their vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life through prayer and practical action and (2) to raise awareness of vocations among parishioners, especially youth and their parents, to create a “culture of vocations” here at St. John Neumann.
Some of our projects have included:
We joyfully welcome new members!
For information on priest vocations for the Archdiocese of Washington, please visit
It’s May, the month of mothers and of Our Blessed Mother! Spiritual mothers for vocations – all women of the parish who have a heart for vocations, regardless of age or state of life – are invited to offer their Communion this weekend, the first Sunday of the month, for the intention of vocations. Please pray for the young people of our parish or other young people in your life to respond to God’s call and for an increase in vocations to the holy priesthood and consecrated life. Inspired by the mothers of Lu, Monferrato, Italy, SJN spiritual mothers also offer Adoration and this prayer after attending Mass (in person or virtual):
O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine,
All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine. (3x)
Dear Lord Jesus, with Mary, Your Mother, as my model, grant me the graces I need to live as a good Christian and to guide these children always to do what is right, so that I may someday receive the grace to be allowed to give you a holy priest or a child You call to the consecrated life in service of Your Church. These children were Yours before they were ours – I give them to You according to Your Holy Will. Grant that many religious vocations may come forth from our parish. Amen.
St. John Neumann, pray for us.
Learn more about some of the many vocations from our parish! We have several people with vocational milestones this year.